Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Wikipedia!

The web page giant that has quite possibly contributed to the knowledge of on or the most important Enterprise 2.0 tools turns 7. That’s right, Wikipedia publically launched on January 15, 2001. This article at ReadWriteWeb fills us in on a little of the history of this web giant.
So let’s look at the numbers. The English version (the original) has 2,174,371 articles, is the 9th most popular site on the Internet, and has 6 side projects (Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikiversity).

WikiCharts allows one to see the top 100 viewed Wikipedia pages, and the most popular thing is actually viewing Wikipedia define itself. Wikirange is also another popular tool which monitors the most edited entries over the past 24 hours, as of January 16, 2008, that would be MacBook Air.

This website just goes to show how valuable information is that can be kept up to date constantly with details that can be mind blowing. Just imagine what a wiki for your organization could do, no matter whether it was the history of your organization or it was the current processes of how things work in your company.