Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Online Networking: A Successful Example

Yesterday, I posted about the Economist and how their internal efforts to create the next big thing for their website failed. The relevant part of yesterday’s blog was that they turned inwards, focused on people already in their company to produce a new an innovative project that would propel them into Web 2.0.

Today, I read a blog about a company that did the opposite. Proctor and Gamble turned to Web 2.0 and networked all across the globe, and the result was high productivity in a short amount of time. The CEO decided to network using Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas to increase productivity. The result was 1/3 of the new ideas coming from outside of Procter and Gamble, as well as 80% of the project launches being successful. This goes to show that Web 2.0 can benefit the entire business world and also that many productive things come out of collaborating with other businesses.

This is just another example of how Web 2.0 is alive and ready to take off in the business world. Do you have any examples of this in your company?